CAMP Information and Expectations


CAMP 2013 2014 Information


Welcome to the CAMP (Computer and Media Pathway) Academy.

This specialized program offers great advantages to students. CAMP students benefit from a core group of teachers using differentiated instruction. Students use current technology in their classes, attend field trips, receive mentoring from professionals in the Information industry, and listen to guest speakers from relevant fields. HOWEVER, CAMP membership is a privilege, not a right, and we expect you to do the following:

1. Have a respectful attitude toward your peers and AVHS Staff.

2. Be in your seat quiet and ready to work when the bell rings.

3. Maintain a minimum GPA of 2.0 with no N’s or U’s in citizenship. You will conduct

yourself in a professional manner.

4. Be involved in all aspects of the CAMP program.

5. Follow all rules outlined in the student handbook.

Additional CAMP Academy expectations:

1. CAMP shirts will be distributed to students as their uniform, and will be worn on THURSDAYs. Every week you will be proud to show your participation in our program! Other CAMPing teachers will be giving credit for this as well as Mr. Ostlie and Mrs. Peratt.

2. CAMPers will know their grades and keep track of their progress during high school. Every Friday, CAMPers will fill out a progress report. This is common practice at AVHS, and teachers are prepared to fill them out weekly. The following Monday (or Tuesday if Monday is a holiday) they will be turned in to Mr. Ostlie or Mrs. Peratt, who will give credit for this as an assignment. Other CAMP teachers will be giving credit for this as well.

3. Students are expected to wear their lanyards holding their flash drive, along with their current student ID card. This has a variety of uses, and wearing them daily is imperative.

4. Be responsible with the equipment you have access to in the classroom as well as outside of the classroom. This includes responsible use of your assigned device, CAMP lanyard and issued flash drive, and/or equipment checked out to you.

How parents can help:

● If you have any old items that you would like to donate to our film room, specifically props such as costumes, wigs, decoration items, etc, we would greatly appreciate it. If you have any other construction type items such as paint for sets, wood, lights, or any item you feel would be helpful, please contact me.

● During the year, we will be collecting eWaste. In April or May, we will have a community collection day, where people can drop off their old electronic waste, and we will recycle it for money. This is our largest fundraiser for the year, and would appreciate your help in getting the word out to your friends and collecting as much eWaste as possible. We will soon have drop off sites in the front office, and the front entry building. We also accept any eWaste in F3 anytime during school until 5pm.

● If you know of anyone with any ties to the technology industry, please contact me. Our goals include introducing these students to as many fields related to the technology industry as possible, whether it be computers, film, web page design, graphics, animation, etc. We plan to have guest speakers occasionally, but we also need community contacts for field trip tours, advisory committee members, and mentors.


● You can request your student to bring you a weekly progress report. Their teachers are prepared to fill them out every Friday. You can have students keep up on their grades.

● We have an after school program titled “CAMPing FUNdamentals”. This is located in Mrs. Peratt’s room in F3.

This is held on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 1:54 to 3:30pm (the computer lab is open until 5pm; however, a college tutor will be in the lab after 3:30, but students can only access the computers, not the cameras and other equipment from 3:30 to 5.

○ During this program, students (ANY, not just CAMPers) are able to learn various computer applications, learn how to use our current technology, check out camera’s and/or filming equipment, work on ANY projects (school or for personal use), and use our facilities

○ We also offer specialized tutoring in different subjects by CAMP teachers.

Mondays = Math with Mrs. Murphy. Tuesdays= History with Mrs. Dodge OR

Biology with Mrs. Schneider. Thursdays= English with Mrs. Parker.

Please note student’s can work on ANY subject on those days; however, if you would like help in a specific area, you can attend on the appropriate days. Students should check with the teacher to confirm they will be there. Student’s should check in to F3 for this as well.

○ Tutoring receipts can be REQUESTED by students to verify their attendance. The receipt includes specifics including date, times, what they worked on, etc. These receipts can even be worth extra points in their classes. Please check with the teachers to confirm their policy.

CAMP Teachers’ Information:

Peratt, GretchenMAC Computers,Video

Ostlie, RyanPC Computers, Web







Adams Sioss,Mary









Please remember to check our BLOG, AVHSCAMP.COM for student work, and other information. We look forward to a great year, and appreciate all your support of the CAMP Academy at Apple Valley High School.



The AVHS CAMP Academy Team